Halloween Treats!

October 13, 2008 at 11:26 pm (AJ Hampton, General) (, , , , )

Days until Halloween = 18, Days until Halloween Treats = 0!

For those of you who can’t wait this is just a quick post to announce Familiar Magic – my shape shifting Halloween goody has just been released from Liquid Silver Books!!

What better way to get in the mood for Halloween than some paranormal treats!

It’s a Wonderful Fright – Veronica Wilde

Willow’s always been a good witch … until a bad witch hexes her sex life on Halloween.

Now she’s ready to throw her old life away for the thrill of working dark magic on every man she desires. To convince her otherwise, a pair of ghostly guides give her a taste of her life as a cruel and sexy hex mistress–a life of necromancy, debauchery, and some very submissive male slaves. But when Willow falls for the one man she can’t have in her powerful new world, she realizes that her old life was a wonderful fright indeed.

Familiar Magic – AJ Hampton

With only two days until the full moon Trenton Gregory realizes he’s got a lot more to worry about than being the area enforcer. Samantha Monroe, his destined mate, wants him to be her familiar. Fighting hormones, a pack of wolves who want him dead, the real challenge will be making it to Halloween in one piece.

Zombies Are People Too – Tiffany Aaron

Tarsala Jones, Private Investigator and journalist, has spent over a year searching out the origin of the Halloween zombie virus. Tarsala is sure there’s a sinister reason behind the outbreak. Before she can find the culprit, she has to deal with a libel suit against her.

Christopher LaRoi has the distasteful job of delivering the papers his sister-in-law filed against Tarsala Jones for libel. Chris prides himself on being in control at all times, but Tarsala blows him out of the water with her smart mouth and gorgeous body. He vows to stay as far away from her as he can.

Impossible when Tarsala appears everywhere Chris goes. Is she following him, or is she following the trail of the zombie virus?

Interested? You can read excerpts and find out more here.

AJ Hampton

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A Shapeshifter Throw Down

September 18, 2008 at 7:58 am (AJ Hampton, General) (, , , , , , )

This post has been brought to you by AJ Hampton (who has recently contracted TWO new shapeshifter novellas!)

I was laying in bed, trying to sleep and all I could think about was what happened if some of our favorite heroes and heroines threw down?

Who would win and why? Answer as many as you like, feel free to come up with some of your own!

Round I

Drake Vireo in the Aisling Grey, Guardian series by Katie MacAlister


Quinn Tyrrell in book#1 of the Dragonfire Kiss of Fire by SSR’s own Deborah Cooke

AJ’s Pick – I think Quinn would tear Drake Up. Why? Quinn is a scrappe. I think Drake is too much of a pretty boy.


Round II

Elena Michaels in Books#1 &2 of the Women of the Otherworld series by Kelley Armstrong


Riley Jenson in the Riley Jenson Guardian series by Keri Arthur

AJ’s Pick – I’m going to have to go with Riley on this one because she’s got the half vampire thing working for her.



Round III

The Hulk created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby


Wolverine created by Len Wein

AJ’s Pick – The Wolverine, he’s got the healing ability and The Hulk… isn’t big and green all the time.



Round IV

Richard Zeeman in the Anita Blake Series by Laurell Hamilton


Micah Callahan in the Anita Blake Series by Laurell Hamilton

(The winner assumes that Anita Blake will not run in wielding a gun to save her sweetie.)

AJ’s Pick – Man. I wish these two characters would just off themselves… that wasn’t nice was it? Sorry. I’ve got issues. Although Micah is tough he is way to pretty boy. Richard (if he can pull his head out of his ass) would eat Micah for breakfast.


Round V

Dracula by Bram Stoker (I hope I have that right!)


Michael Corvin in the Underworld Series

AJ’s Pick – Although Dracula has been around for eons (and can shift into a bat!) I’d have to go with Michael on this one. Again, being half werewolf and half vampire – seems like an advantage.

So, let me know who you think would win! And, come up with a few of your own for everyone at SSR to debate!


AJ Hampton

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Faux Paw?

July 30, 2008 at 8:50 am (AJ Hampton, Contests, General)

A short musing brought you by AJ Hampton, who at times may appear to be crazy.

The term werewolf describes it all, doesn’t it? It is recognized as the grisly (yet in fiction and movies sometimes romantic) transformation from man to wolf. Were, meaning man, leaves little room for us women. Hell, MS Word spell check doesn’t even bat an eye at it.

I find myself wondering if there is room for anything else. Weretiger, werepanther… yes, using the prefix tells the reader what they need to know. This person (man or woman!) transforms into a beautiful creature at the rise of the full moon.

It goes beyond that. The paranormal genre is changing, morphing into a new breed much like the shape shifters of the world.

The more I delve into this paranormal arc, I find myself using the term shape shifter instead of were. If even gone so far as to incorporate this into my Cassidy Keller, shape shifting novels I’m writing. In a world filled with a variety of different shifters, using the term were is a nasty, hateful racial slur.

How do you feel about the term were and how it relates to the breeds of shifters that don’t turn into a wolf? Is the werewolf idolized so much there just isn’t room for any other werecreatures?

On a side note, I apologize in advance for the shortness of my post. Someone didn’t (totally meaning me, by the way) pick up Twilight, the first Stephenie Meyer book and stay up into 3 am in the morning absorbing in every single word! It’s a vampire book, so, I won’t gush about it to the shape shifting fans!
To make up for up grin I’ve got two Bending to Break (from my vampire novel) magnets to give away. They are about the size of a post card. Two random commenter’s will win. I’ll be at work today, so any comments will be addressed around 3 pm! I’d hate to explain https://shapeshifterromance.wordpress.com to my bosses. LOL.

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Because two wasn’t enough

June 23, 2008 at 8:38 am (AJ Hampton, General) (, )

PhotobucketBecause two wasn’t enough, they’ve decided to make a third Underworld. Is it any wonder? I have to say out of

all the paranormal movies out there, Underworld has to be one of the best. In this paranormal genre, there is the battle between the shape shifters and the vampires – its moved to the big screen.

What I love most about Underworld, besides my Kate Beckinsale fetish – is how they’ve portrayed the Lycans:

PhotobucketHot men, realistic special effects, and we can’t forget the forbidden love.

Underworld 3: Rise of the Lycans is set to release in the states Jan 23rd! This installment (a prequel) will trace the origins of the blood feud between the vampires and the lycans (the forbidden love between Lucian and Sonja). Because of this, I think we can expect to see more shape shifters and how they rose from slaves to a threat to the vampires.


(Lunar Light – A fansite for Lucian – Leader of the Lycan’s)

All of us who constantly battle: Vampires or Lycans – will appreciate this entire series.

What are you looking forward to the most in the new movie?

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Ailuranthropy: Move over lycans

June 4, 2008 at 8:36 am (AJ Hampton, General)

Shape shifting isn’t just for wolves anymore.

Ailuranthropy refers to creatures (werecats) that are described as shapeshifters who are similar to werewolves, except that they turn into creatures that are based on some species of feline as opposed to a wolf. In my upcoming Cassidy Keller novels the feline shifters will be referred to as Ailurans for this very reason.

As the popularity of shape shifting novels increase there is a calling for different species of animals. Felines, dragons, birds, etc. I really enjoy seeing how different authors work to incorporate these animals into the worlds they’ve created.

Many of our authors on Shape Shifter Romance have already started to branch out.

My book Tempting Sin features a shape shifting tiger as the hero. In my upcoming novella, Harnessing the Moon, both the heroine and hero are tigers fighting against the pull of the moon and the need to seek a mate. Will I always stick with tigers? No, but I will focus on different species of large cats: Jaguars, leopards, lions… You can even expect to see some jungle fever between the different species. Before Cassidy meets her true love, she (an ailuran) has an affair with a lycan (a wolf).

I love wolves, I do, and I enjoy reading about them. They are beautiful, sleek creatures that have a fascinating social structure which creates a million different plot bunnies in my head. But I also enjoy broadening the genre of shape shifting.

A question for authors: Those of you who primiarly write wolf fiction, do you ever think about branching out to different species? Why or why not?

A question for readers: What lesser known animal would you enjoy reading about?

Totally unrelated save the date reminder!! I’m having an “All Author Bash” on June 27th. http://www.allauthorbash.proboards80.com

A lot of us from Shape Shifter Romance will be there talking about our upcoming releases and posting excerpts. Last count, there were 45 authors, a number or reviewer and some publishers attending as well! So, save the date and drop by to win some fun prizes, play some games and meet new authors.

AJ Hampton

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Winner Announcements!

May 27, 2008 at 11:18 pm (AJ Hampton, Contests, General)

Will the following people email me at aj_hampton@hotmail.com with their snail mail address so I can send them their Shape Shifter Romance magnets! Thank you SO much for stopping by and commenting on the guest interview with Keri Arthur!

Raine Delight

Chris J.


Nancy Haddock
Catherine Chernow


Lilly K


Savanna Kougar


Crystal B.


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I’d like to welcome Keri Arthur!

May 22, 2008 at 7:42 am (AJ Hampton, Author Interviews, Contests, General, Guest Bloggers) ()

Today I have invited Keri Arthur, author of the Riley Jenson, Guardian novels out to Shape Shifter Romance! The Guardian novels are an amazing Urban Fantasy series that combines my two favorite things: Shape Shifters and Vampires!


Hot, sinfully sexy, Riley is a kick ass heroine with a sharp tongue and quick wit. What I love best about these books (not to mention there is an entire series about them!!) is the fresh, liberated approach Keri took in incorporating the elements of the moon, passion, and action. These books are well plotted and keep you guessing. I only hope that Riley will find her happy ending! So, without further ado, here is Keri answering a few nosey questions I threw at her! She is sticking around, so here is your chance to chat her up!! Check out the bottom of the post for contest rules and what I’m giving away *grin*

AJ: How was the Riley Jenson series born? What inspired you to write it?

Keri: The basics of the Riley series actually formed during the writing of three of my ImaJinn books. Circle of Desire was the first werewolf story I wrote that had the elements that formed part of the basis of my werewolf mythology, and in Beneath a Rising Moon/Beneath a Darkening Moon, you’ll see the strengthening of this mythology–including the moon ceremony that Riley speaks about so much in her books. I’d been wanting a write a first person, kick-ass chick novel for a while (simply because I love first person novels and had always wanted to write them myself), and with the werewolf mythology in place, Riley came about.

AJ: The Riley Jenson series was originally contracted for five books. Now that you’ve gotten new contracts to add more, are you finding it difficult to continue with the series? Or does it feel like you are coming home?

Keri: It was originally contracted for three, and I really hadn’t thought much beyond that. But by the time I got to the third book, I realized Riley had a bigger story to tell, so I went to contract for more. I’m not finding it difficult to write, simply because by book five, I knew precisely where the series was going and how it was going to end. And it will end–with book nine. But I love writing Riley–she’s such a fun character to write (and torture. lol). I’ll be sad to lose her when I finish the last book.

 AJ: Any hints at what is in store for Riley?

Keri: All the hints you need are in book 5–in what Dia predicts for Riley. 🙂 I guess I can say that things don’t go the way Riley plans but fate isn’t entirely mean to her.


AJ: Everyone has their favorites, which of your published works is your favorite and why?

Keri: Generally, whatever book I’m working on at the moment is my favorite, but Deadly Desire–Riley 7–is probably top of the list right now, because of what happens in it. But Dancing with the Devil, my very first book published with ImaJinn, holds a special place in my heart, simply because it was a book I worked on for nearly ten years, and it turned out to be the first book I had accepted.

AJ: How has your life changed since becoming a published author?

Keri: It’s actually become a lot less hectic, simply because I’ve been able to give up the day job. I was a chef and I used to work split shifts, so squeezing in writing time was always difficult. The problem now, of course, is having so much writing time that I tend to waste a lot of it.

AJ: What is your all time, hands down, favorite shape shifter novel?

Keri: God, that’s a hard one. I could name a fav vampire books easy enough–King’s Salem’s Lot or Lackey’s Children of the Night, but shifter novels are harder. I love Tara K Harpers Wolfwalker series, although they’re not really shifter novels. I’d probably have to go with Patricia Briggs’ Mercy Thompson series (though I’m only part way through book 3). I did enjoy the first Kitty Novel book (by Carrie Vaughn) too.


AJ: Which do you prefer: urban fantasy or paranormal?

Keri: It depends on the mood I’m in, really. Sometimes I want nothing more than a good old fashioned romance story and paranormals suit this need. But other times I need a nitty-gritty action story, and urbans come to the fore here.

AJ: You have a short story coming out in the Hotter Than Hell that is coming out in June. Can you tell us what to expect and how it differs, if any, from the world you created in the Guardian novels?

Keri: My contribution is called To Die For, and its a very sexy urban fantasy romance featuring a werewolf hero, a wolf shifter heroine with an odd psychic talent, and a very nasty bad guy. It’s not really set in the same world as my Riley series, but it features most of the same world rules. And you can expect Riley size action, trouble and hotness. 🙂

For anyone interested in sinking their teeth into the Riley series, here are the books in order with links:

1) Full Moon Rising, 2) Kissing Sin, 3) Tempting Evil, 4) Dangerous games, 5) Embraced by Darkness, 6) The Darkest Kiss & here is the link to her upcoming short story, To Die For.


I’d like to thank Keri for coming out and answering my questions!! She has agreed to stick around so if you have any questions leave a comment and she will post back with her response! She’s in Australia so the times might be a bit wacky, but she’ll be here!

And, it wouldn’t be a guest author day if Shape Shifter Romance didn’t give something away!! I’ve got 10 small magnets to give away that have our Shape Shifter Logo on them! They are about half the size of a credit card 🙂

I’ll be choosing 10 commenters (at random) and announcing the winner next Tuesday!

Have a wonderful day everyone and I look forward to reading your comments!

((Hugs)) AJ Hampton

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Out of your skin and into bondage…

May 16, 2008 at 6:15 am (AJ Hampton, General)

I was approached about doing an anthology about an unusual form of shapeshifting: The Selkie, as known as a seal shapeshifter.


The legend is tragic, has the potential for a beautiful plot, but can it be redeemed?

The legend, very similar to the swam-maiden lore, conveys shapeshifting as a type of second skin that is shed. These creatures, both swam and seal, are said to be beautiful enchantress’ that draw men to them.

When they shed their skin they become human and are able to walk among the humans. A selkie can only make contact with one particular human for a short amount of time before they must return to the sea. They are not able to make contact with that human again for seven years, unless the human is to steal their selkie’s skin and hide it or burn it. If this happens, they are bound as humans.

If someone finds their skin, they are able to hide it, lock it away, and force their Selkie lovers into marriage. Ouch. Talk about starting a relationship out on the wrong foot! After the wife bears her husband children, they often grow and tell their mothers where their skins are hidden. It is said, they drop everything and return to the sea.

A woman can call a Selkie man to her by crying seven tears into the sea at high tide. If she steals his skin, she too can bind him to her.

The swam maiden lore is almost identical but talks about the swam feathers as a “magical robe of feathers.” Their children sing songs that hint where they can find their feathers. Once found, they fly away.

A great example of the Selkie myth (is it though?) in modern culture is The Secret of Roan Inish, an excellent, beautiful movie set in Ireland. Gorgeous cinematography.

My question to you: Can a successful romance be built around such a tragic tale? Give me your thoughts and feel free to tell about any other unusual shapeshifting legends you know!

Posted by: AJ Hampton

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Review: Ghost Moon

May 6, 2008 at 7:25 am (AJ Hampton, Contests, General, Reviews)

Ghost Moon by Rebecca York GHOST MOON, Rebecca York (Berkley Sensation)
ISBN: 978-0425222454
Buy Link

Reviewed by AJ Hampton

Sexy, fun, fast paced and engaging. These are a few things I have to say about Rebecca York’s 7th novel, GHOST MOON, in the Moon series. I was drawn into her universe within the first few pages and couldn’t put the book down until I salivated over the last page.

Quinn and Caleb’s first meeting is intense, seductive, dark. The chemistry between them was unmistakable and sent shivers down my spine. There is something sexy about what we cannot see, and that was Quinn’s first meeting with Caleb. She couldn’t see him, but she could feel him. His energy, his emotions, the way he held her against him… Combine that with a creative, well thought out plot that was meticulously weaved into the romance and I was treated to one hell of a novel.

One thing I love about GHOST MOON is the series factor. GHOST MOON is the latest in the Moon series and it didn’t disappoint. Rebecca York does a magnificent job in keeping her universe consistent throughout the novels but giving it a unique spin that allows readers starting in the middle of the series to understand what is going on.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking to sink their teeth into an erotic paranormal thriller with elements of magic, shifters and ghosts.

Want a chance to win a wolf puppet donated by Rebecca York?

Comment on any post throughout the blog (excludes past contests which have already drawn winners). I’ll be picking a random commenter to win! You MUST post today, 05/06/08, to win. There is no need to label your post “contest”, just look around the blog and leave a note on what strikes your fancy 🙂 Questions? You can contact me at: aj_hampton@hotmail.com

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And the Winner is … Thursday’s Prize winner

May 1, 2008 at 8:19 am (AJ Hampton, Contests, General)

By AJ Hampton

The winner is – Bridget! Bridget, please email me so I can send you a copy of Tempting Sin! Congrats on your win and thank you for supporting us! My email address is aj_hampton@hotmail.com

Enjoy sweetie!!

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