
Welcome to a world of darkness.

Where the moon holds power over the hearts of men and beast. 

Man and Animal
Animal and Man.
Beneath the power of the moon
Their hearts collide.

Within these pages you will find the words of the authors who bring you the most animalistic of lovers, the most natural of romance.  For within these pages you will learn about

ShapeShifter Romance.


  1. Terry Spear said,

    Super job, Teresa!

  2. Larissa ione said,

    Harnessing the power of the moon…

    Love that! 🙂

  3. jenniferstgiles said,

    great to meet you at celebrate romance, too, Teresa. thank you for the invite and I look forward to being part of this group

  4. marciacolette said,

    Teresa, girl, you rock! Thanks for setting this up for us.

  5. Lori Devoti said,

    Hi, everybody! Great to be here. 🙂

  6. Lori Devoti said,

    Test comment.

  7. teresadamario said,

    I can’t wait till monday, when we open! I’m so excited!

  8. Shonna Brannon said,

    The blog looks great! Love the look.

  9. Alice said,

    Thanks so much for the invite, looking forward to the opening!

  10. Sierra Wolfe said,

    Love the blog Teresa! It looks really good!

  11. Vivienne Westlake said,

    Good going. I like the design of your blog. Can’t wait to hear what juicy things you’ve got cooking, Teresa!

  12. Kim Richards said,

    Very nice blog! Please email me at eternalpresspromotions at gmail dot com. I’d like to add Eternal Press to the blog roll and find out about guest blogging. Thanks!

  13. Deborah Smith said,

    Hi! I’d love to send you ONCE BITTEN, our new fantasy novel by debut author Kalayna Price. http://www.bellbridgebooks.com. Deb Smith, Editorial

  14. Eva Gordon said,

    My name is Eva Gordon and have created a werewolf romance series titled the Wolf Maiden Chronicles. Book 1 in the series Werewolf Sanctuary has just been released and will be followed by Beast Warrior and White Wolf of Avalon with many more down the pipe. Werewolf Sanctuary is a contemporary but the rest are ‘werehistoricals”.

    I would love to be a contributing author on this blog. I am doing workshops on both werewolf lore and wolf lore. I also have volunteered at a wolf sanctuary and am a zoologist. Shifters rock.

  15. Dallas said,

    MY name is Ami Blackwelder, author of the Shifter Evolutions …a six part series about an alien shifter race that invade Earth and the Romances and struggles they encounter.

    I would love to be a part of this blog.http://amiblackwelder.com

  16. amiblackwelder said,

    The Shifter Evolutions is a shifter-paranormal-scifi-romance

    Shifter lovers, scifi lovers, and paranormal lovers will appreciate this novel saga, books 1-6. Check them out at my website.

  17. Rocket Dog (Ergo Proxy) said,

    How do I submit my book for review to this lovely blog?

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