
ISBN: 978-1-60504-640-2
Length: Plus Novel
Price: 6.50
Publication Date: August 4, 2009
Cover art by Natalie Winters

Someone wants their perfect weapon back, only she’s not coming quietly.

Alexa Wells wants her life back. She’s just not sure what that life was. The memories inside her head—a stripper’s—aren’t hers, and before she humiliates herself onstage one more time, she sets out to collect the scattered pieces of her mind. The trail leads to Boston, charges of identity theft and murder, and the real bombshell: a forgotten werewolf lover who insists she’s a werewolf hybrid.

Matt York doesn’t care that she looks at him like he’s been smoking crack between court cases. Now that he has her back he’s not about to let her go it alone, even if she can easily kick ass and take names all by herself. Amnesia only scratches the surface of her problems, and like it or not, she’s stuck with him.

She’s also stuck with Robert Gamboldt, a venture capitalist who’s not above murdering his way to the top. He’s not about to lose his prize possession without playing dirty. It’s a simple enough offer. Be his personal assassin, or go to jail.

With options like that, it’s enough to make a hybrid go full-blood.


  1. The Truth Is Out There « Shapeshifter Romance said,

    […] STRIPPED, I had incorporated a few Pagan beliefs to fulfill part of the plot.  However, I was careful to […]

  2. Edie said,

    Marcia, your book sounds HOT! Can’t wait to read it.

  3. Magaly said,

    “With options like that, it’s enough to make a hybrid go full-blood.” I wish you were here to see how I jumped on my recliner when I read that line. I’m so intrigued! I can’t wait! To read the story that brought the hot couple together? Mm, Mm… Good!

  4. Liz Kreger said,

    Sounds fab, Marcia. Can’t wait for its release. Totally cool cover.

  5. Donna said,

    Lust, danger and adventure. Hot. Hot. Hot. I love a good romance with a werewolf. Just bite me already! LOL. I’m going to pick this up while i’m out at borders later today.

  6. Shartyrant said,

    Ooh! Sounds interesting! Nice cover.
    Is this going to be part of a series?

  7. Sharon S. said,

    Sounds like a cool story.
    I love the cover!
    Hope it becomes a series.

  8. denelian said,

    sounds very interesting! just different enough…

    looking forward to it

  9. Marcia Colette said,

    Thanks for all of the wonderful comments, guys! This is actually the prequel to a book I had released 3 years ago called Half Breed. So, in a way, it is a series. For now, it’s only available in ebook, but it’ll be released in trade paperback in June 2010. So don’t be surprised if I have second celebration for it. 😉

  10. Tivi Jones said,

    Sounds like a great read, Marcia! Trust, I’m going to buy it. 😉

  11. Mardel S said,

    Are both books E-books? I like the hybrid were-wolf thing. Sounds very interesting. Sounds like something I want to read.

  12. Marcia Colette said,

    Tivi: Thanks. You’re a sweetheart.

    Mardel: Yes! Both Half Breed and Stripped are ebooks. 🙂

  13. jennifer said,

    Awesome story idea and I love the cover. I’m so happy for you!!!!

    I’m deciding whether to get the e-book or wait for the print copy. Hmmmmm …

    Also, congrats on being #7 on the best selling list at, Whoo hoo! You are on a roll.

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