Savage Hunger Cover Up! New Jaguar Shifter Series Coming, Oct 1!

March 14, 2012 at 8:02 am (General) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

Okay, what do you think? Isn’t he beautiful? And the cat and Kathleen and the jungle and…

Yum. One of my fans said her 80-year old sister would say, “Hmm-hmm-hmm, all that meat and no potatoes!”

Now, what do you think about meeting him in the jungle?

I’m also at Sizzling Hot Books for an interview and giveaways!!!

And I’m participating in a International Time Travel Day because it’s Albert Einstein’s birthday and he’s the originator of the idea of space and time bend.

Visit the following blogs/websites on March 14, and leave a comment on each for your chance to win free books that celebrate time travel in all its guises:
All kinds of different stories for different tastes, with one thing in common. You remember when you time traveled into the future one whole hour this weekend? Well now you can take a trip to the past or wherever your host chooses…
Participating Authors:
Madeline Baker
Melodie Campbell
Pauline B. Jones
Chris Karlsen   
Laura Martello  
Troy McCombs
Theresa Ragan  
Terry Spear        
Lizzie Starr       
Cheryl Kaye Tardif
Nicholas Wisseman
Today I’m giving away a copy of A Ghost of a Chance at Love!
Lisa Welsh only wishes to leave a messy divorce behind for a couple of days stay in Salado, Texas but wakes to nightmares and a cowboy in her bed, and she has no earthly idea how he got there. But the situation gets worse when she learns she’s now living in 19th Century Salado. Even more worrisome is the tall dark stranger, and everyone else in town believes she’s some woman named Josephine Rogers who is supposed to be dead.Jack Stanton can’t believe the clerk gave him an occupied room at the Shady Villa Inn, but worse, he was ready to ravage the woman in that bed—until he realized his mistake. Now the woman he thinks is Josephine claims to be some other woman—and though he could never abide by Josephine’s fickle ways, this Lisa Welsh intrigues him like no other. Still, if she isn’t Josephine, he figures he best help her find her way back to where she really belongs no matter how much he wants to keep her with him.

Together, Lisa and Jack must solve the mysteries and face the troubles in their worlds or they will never be free to share the love that binds them across the ages.

So the question to win a copy of A Ghost of a Chance at Love  is: Would you take a chance to find romance and love in the old west? Or would you rather take the old west with you to contemporary times?
Good luck and have fun!
“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy IS reality.”

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