Huntress for Hire finaled!

November 13, 2008 at 12:01 am (General) (, , , , , )

gothicphotos89_20070402_20754674401Huntress for Hire finaled in the From the Heart Wallflower contest. Hmm, vampire romantic suspenses. Aren’t they great? I love this story. Wounded hero, wounded heroine…both out to use each other…for their own good reasons. 🙂

Currently I’m working on Plight of the Wolf, but the other day I had the fun task of sending in cover specs for both Alure of the Wolf and Betrayal of the Wolf. Sourcebooks does a wonderful job with book covers and I can’t wait to see what they come up with. What did I say?

Naked man, uhm, I mean, shirtless man, gray wolf, Oregon beach or coastal woods for Betrayal, and naked man, *sigh*, shirtless man–what can you expect, they’re naked when they shapeshift!!! No Incredible Hulk ripping out of clothes here! 🙂 …with snow scene, white wolf, Arctic Canadian backdrop. 🙂  Yeah, it might seem weird that both stories are set in the winter, in Oregon, and in the Canadian Arctic, yet both men are …all right, bare-chested, because they have to shapeshift!

So there. I hope they turn out that way on the cover too. LOL 🙂

What do you think? Naked guy on cover with a white wolf in the middle of a snow scene? Sound okay to you??? 🙂

Terry Spear

Heart of the Wolf, Don’t Cry Wolf (Mar 1)


  1. Savanna Kougar said,

    Congrats on finaling. Hey, any cover with wolves in winter is more than fine by me. Keep ’em naked and in the woods, where they belong.

  2. Beth C. said,

    Congrats on the final. Yeah, always love a naked (or shirtless) guy on a cover. I’ll try not to be TSTL and wonder when I see it why a guy is naked in the middle of winter. I always thought it weird when my went outside with just shorts and a t-shirt on and there was 3 inches of snow on the ground. And no we are not werewolves. 🙂

    BTW, love that picture and the dragon head watching over them is cute.

  3. terryspear said,

    Thanks, Savanna and Beth!!! Lol, ladies, I so agree! 🙂 Naked and in the woods, yes, and Beth–I never could understand those who could wear shorts when it’s 40 degrees out here. 🙂

    Thanks for commenting! 🙂

  4. Colleen said,

    Congrats!!! 😀

  5. Keira from LoveRomancePassion said,

    I love your photo for this post… 😀

  6. Karin said,


    The cover sounds fantastic to me! 🙂

  7. June Shaw said,

    Great cover! Sounds fantastic.

  8. Larissa Ione said,

    Congrats! That’s so awesome!

  9. Teresa D'Amario said,

    Congrats Terri! We’re proud of you here!

  10. terryspear said,

    Thanks, ladies! I tried to reply individually from the library computer while I was on my lunchbreak but apparently it wouldn’t allow me to access werewolf and vampire posts. LOL 🙂

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